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DIY Super Guide: 7 Tips For Home Renovation

DIY Super Guide: 7 Tips For Home Renovation

Renovating a home can be very enjoyable but also very demanding. Whether you are living in a second-hand house, extending it, or simply repainting and redesigning a room, a do-it-yourself approach will help you make the home of your dreams.

However, if one does not have adequate knowledge of the subject or if no prior planning is made, it may pose a great task. Below are some DIY tips that will help you make your renovation project smooth, effective, and a joy to undertake.

Start with a Simple Plan

Whether your renovation is a large scale or you just plan a small one, it is important to establish what you want at the end of the process. After planning, identify your budget in terms of how much money you are willing to spend. For contingencies, be sure to allocate a certain amount of money over and above your total expenses. Establish practical time frames concerning each aspect of the renovation process.

Sketch a vision for your space using Pinterest, magazines, home improvement shows, and other helpful resources to find inspiration. Your choice must reflect your lifestyle and preferred interior design trends.

Set an Affordable Budget

Budgeting is fundamental in the process of home renovation. Sometimes, people get tempted into buying costly materials or going for expensive upgrades. Instead, you need to think about the items or fittings that you can afford. Do not let yourself reach halfway through the project to realize that you have no more money for the rest of the project.

Therefore, before beginning the construction process, it is important to research the costs of materials and labor, including the cost of hiring a professional. Concentrate on the most necessary aspects of the desired changes. Save money on these first, and then, if there is any money remaining, you can spend it on other things.

Invest in the Right Tools

Getting the right tools refers to quality systems, standard processes, and methodologies that are effective for the organization. Purchase basic tools such as an excellent-quality hammer, crowbar, and sledgehammer, as these tools will aid you in effectively breaking down challenging places.

With many poor tools in the market nowadays, you should be cautious when ordering tools, especially in online stores. However, there are reliable online stores that sell high-quality products. For example, Jacohardware has most tools that came from reputable manufacturers from all over the world, and you have the choice to decide which brand you prefer to work with.

Know When to Call a Professional

As much as people may opt for DIY renovations in an attempt to cut on costs, some tasks are best carried out by a professional. It is always important to note when to involve a licensed contractor or specialist, otherwise one can easily make expensive mistakes and compromise the safety of the project.

Choose the Right Materials

In home renovation, selecting materials that can stand the test of time and look good plays a big part of the process. You should seek quality materials that will not only be aesthetically pleasing but will also stand the test of time. There are some materials that can be affordably priced alongside the fact that some materials are pricey depending on various factors, including personal tastes.

Ceramic tiles may be less costly than hardwood floors, but they are durable and add value to your home. Also, when replacing the hardware and accessories of your kitchen, ensure that the materials used will not easily wear out. Cabinets made of solid wood and countertops made of stones, such as granite and quartz, are also relatively long-lasting.

Research on Painting Skills

Painting is one of the simplest and cheapest options for redecorating a room. It can drastically alter the ambiance of any room. However, several things need to be learned to produce a neat and professional look.

For example, before painting, you should sand the walls or any other surface. Any holes should be covered with spackle and sanded down to a smooth finish. Applying a primer coat just improves the condition of the wall and the final color of the paint.

Allow Adequate Lighting

Lighting is an area of design that can bring a significant change to the looks and feel of the space. Most home renovation projects do not pay much attention to lighting yet it plays a critical role of enhancing the beauty of a particular area, increasing functionality and setting the mood.

Add large windows or natural light sources like skylights to fully take advantage of natural light. Proper use of natural light is effective in the sense that it tends to expand a room and make it look welcoming.

Seattle Living: A Guide For New Homeowners

Seattle Living: A Guide For New Homeowners

As it was recently announced that the Fed would finally lower the inflation rate, many people might think it is the best time to move in the past few years. One city in particular comes up when discussing some of the best places to live especially as a homeowner. This city of course is Seattle, the jewel of the Washington state. Whether you are someone to move to Seattle or somebody who already lives there, there are many things you should know before you become a homeowner or if you have recently become one. So here is a short guide to some of the most important things to know about living in Seattle and owning a home in this beautiful city.

Competitive housing market

It is important to understand that when we talk about Seattle, we are talking about a city that has seen a very important growth in population over the past few decades. In fact, since the early 2000s, the population of Seattle has risen by almost 200,000 people and is showing no sign of lowering. This massive influx of people of course has made the housing market much more competitive which means that for potential homeowners it can be a very difficult thing to tackle especially if it is your first home purchase. Nonetheless, Seattle is a beautiful city, and you shouldn’t be scared off from situating yourself near Seattle or within Seattle itself considering that the housing market is pretty competitive all across America. What a good realtor you will be able to situate yourself in your chosen neighborhood within the city.

The importance of neighborhoods

Whether you moved into Rainier Beach or Greenwood once you spend enough time around your neighborhood you will find out pretty quickly that every single neighborhood in Seattle has a very unique feel. This is why if for example you ask one of your neighbors for a restaurant suggestion or what’s the best dry cleaning services in Seattle, chances are they will recommend something that is in their neighborhood. That much becomes even more apparent when we talk about West Seattle since it is separated from the rest of the city by the river. Many people see going to West Seattle as they nice place to go out because it houses the city’s only beach which is very popular of course in the summer.

Cost of Living

This is by far one of the most important things to know if you are somebody moving to Seattle from outside the city. It is no surprise to most people that Seattle is well known for having a very expensive housing market which means that compared to most other cities it is very expensive to purchase a home in Seattle. While the prices are not exactly comparable to the high prices of the big city centers in California the reality is that if you are planning to live in Seattle you will have to adjust your lifestyle to fit the increased cost of living. Generally, when we talk about a comfortable salary to live in Seattle, we are looking at something close to $85,000 a year or more. When we look at the cities requiring the highest salary to live in Seattle though only ranks 27th.

Adapting to the Climate

If you’re moving in from a southern state, you might be surprised to see that most Seattle residents don’t own an air conditioner. This is very important because it means that since the Seattle climate is pretty temperate it doesn’t require you to make sure that your home is well fitted out with things to weather cold winters and warm summers. Even then if you are very sensitive you might be able to find the services of an HVAC business that can provide you with a proper setup of an air conditioner for your home. Generally, most people who move to Seattle find themselves easily adapting to the Seattle climate which is generally pretty comfortable. It is important to remember as well that since the energy bills might be a bit higher in Seattle living without an air conditioner will help you save a few dollars.


If you are somebody who’s planning to move eventually and have to resell in mind you should know that there are many factors of affect the prices of homes in the greater Seattle region and within the Seattle centers as well. Since there have been a lot of updates to the construction code within Seattle the building year of your home will have a massive impact on its value on the market. Not only that but if you are planning to put your house on the market you should check in with the realtor to know what time of the year is best since there are times that are more likely to allow you to get a better price.

Our Guide To Effectively Increase Your Home’s Value!

Our Guide To Effectively Increase Your Home's Value!

There are many reasons you might eventually need to sell your home. It could be that your family has grown and you need more space. Or you might be relocating for work. Maybe house flipping is your business and you need to turn a profit. Whatever the reason you will definitely want to increase the value of your home before you sell.

This will not only give you a nice financial boost but it will also make it far easier to sell the home. People are far more likely to buy a property with good resale value. So how can you effectively improve the value of your home?

Invest In Technology

Smart homes are all the rage at the moment. And it is becoming increasingly easy to turn your home into a smart home. Beyond the practical advantages presented by installing smart technology into your home it will also increase the value of the property. As well as its ability to be sold.

Potential buyers love a home that comes with a lot of bells and whistles. Smart sound systems, advanced security systems, smart showers. These are just some examples of ways you can modify your home to make it more appealing to future buyers.

If your home doesn’t feature a lot of electric outlets you might consider installing some more. In our digital age potential buyers will be looking out for this kind of thing. Especially if they work from home. It is highly recommended that you seek an expert electrician to carry out this work as you don’t want to cause any damage to your home’s electric systems.

Redo Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home. And, during the sales process, it is often the room that will make or break a deal. It is also why renovating your kitchen is one of the best ways to increase the value of your home.

You will want to focus on ensuring it is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Installing things like a kitchen island or custom kitchen cabinets is a great starting point. If you can add any extra windows to increase natural light that will also help improve the value. Try to avoid installing anything that will limit the appliance options of the next occupants.

Ensure It Is Energy Efficient

This is one of the best investments you can make to any property. There are a number of different ways you can improve the energy efficiency of a home. One of the simplest is by installing double glazing windows and insulation in the loft. This will cut down on heating costs in the colder months.

You could go a step further installing energy efficient lighting in all of the rooms as well. Modern buyers are always looking for little details like this in a new home. So it will go a long way. It will also help you save a lot of money in the interim between selling the property.

If you really want to increase the value of your home you should look at installing solar panels. This is a fantastic investment whatever way you look at it. It will cut down on energy costs dramatically. And, if your power usage is lower than what the solar panels produce, you can even make money by selling energy back to various suppliers.

Tend To Your Garden

If you are lucky enough to have a garden attached to your property then you are already far more likely to sell your home when the time comes. But there is a huge caveat to this. You need to ensure the garden has been properly tended to. Buyers are far less likely to purchase a house if they will then have to sink a lot of money into fixing the garden.

The first step is to ensure the soil quality hasn’t degraded. If you don’t properly care for the soil it will become unable to hold any moisture. Stopping anything from growing. You will want to ensure no weeds are growing out of control. Especially if they are growing in or around structures like walls or the house. It might seem surprising but weeds can cause serious structural damage if left unchecked.

You will also want to spend some time making the garden look nice. Planting flowers. Ensuring the grass is healthy. Maybe even installing a deck. These small changes will both increase your home’s value and help the property sell when the time comes.

The Complete Guide to Managing Inherited Real Estate

The Complete Guide to Managing Inherited Real Estate

Managing inherited real estate can be a difficult occupation, especially when families are involved you have to maintain a strictly professional attitude, and ensure that you remain neutral in a situation that can often turn aggressive. In the unfortunate event of a death in the family, it is usually stated in a will where the authority in the family will lie in terms of looking after any assets, when this is not disclosed it can become difficult to know who is entitled to what. Of course, where money and property are involved people can become very aggressive so it is important you do your best to remain impartial, and that you try your best to resolve the situation.


Establishing Authority


If you have been tasked with the management of inherited property then you should do your best to look after the home in a way that is respectful to the deceased’s family as well as keeping everything to a high standard within the house. Especially when it comes to larger properties that require a lot of housekeeping and maintenance you will have to ensure the necessary steps have been taken in order to properly look after the house. You will need to be discrete enough to put these steps into place without bothering the family when they are going through the trauma of death. It is down to you to look after the property whilst the family decides what they are going to do and with many people finding it hard to know what you should do when someone dies, you could be in charge for a while.


House Management

If you have been put in charge of a large property you may need to enquire about hiring staff to work around the house, depending on whether or not the house has residents will decide how many members of staff you require. It would be a good idea to hire a few housekeepers to keep the property looking fresh, someone to work in the kitchens, and somebody who can carry out maintenance jobs and do things like gardening. If you feel that staff is required it is your responsibility to find these staff members and put them through the employment process. Remember to consult the family before you go ahead with any decisions but make sure that you are not pestering them and that you are showing initiative.


Maintaining the Property

In the early stages of your time managing the house it is important that you are respectful towards the family and their grief, they will not appreciate being pestered for help with managing the estate. It is vital that you show you are responsible enough to be trusted with looking after the property, if you need staff they should be hired and the house should be maintained to a high standard.  Make sure that everything is kept on top of in terms of cleaning and house maintenance, this will maintain your professional reputation and show the family that you can handle the responsibility of managing a large estate.



Future of the Property

Depending on what the family decides they wish to do with the property you could be asked to stay on as the property manager and oversee future events at the house. This is a great opportunity and as a house manager, your responsibilities are only going to increase. In the future you could see a whole host of different events being held and by showing you can be responsible at a time where the family is in mourning, you are increasing your chances of being trusted in the future with bigger events.


This job role can be a lot more than just making sure everything is clean and tidy, you will be in charge of any staff working on the property, it will be your job to make sure any events are running smoothly and that any issues are resolved. If you are working on a larger estate you will also have to consider things like security and parking and be a coordinator for the onsite team of staff. There is a lot going on for the estate manager, but it is a rewarding position with plenty of opportunities to show off your management skills.

Improve Your Home’s Look with Stylish Skirting Boards

Improve Your Home's Look with Stylish Skirting Boards

Skirting boards are a simple yet effective way to enhance the look of your home. Not only do they add a decorative touch, but they also protect walls from damage caused by furniture, feet, and vacuum cleaners. Skirting boards are available in different types, materials, and designs, making it easy to find one that suits your home’s decor.

In this discussion, we’ll look at how you can improve your home’s look with stylish skirting boards. Let’s jump straight in.

Types and Materials of Skirting Boards

Skirting boards come in various types and materials, each with their own pros and cons. The most popular types of skirting boards include MDF, timber, and PVC.

  • MDF skirting boards are a popular choice because they’re affordable and easy to install. They come in different sizes and designs and can be painted or stained to match your home’s decor.
  • Even though timber skirting boards are more expensive than MDF they are durable and long-lasting. They come in various wood species and designs, making it easy to find one that complements your home’s interior.
  • PVC skirting boards are a modern alternative to traditional skirting boards. They’re waterproof and easy to clean, making them ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas exposed to moisture.

Designs of Skirting Boards

In modern times, skirting boards have become an essential part of interior design, with various types of materials and designs available to suit every home and decor style.

Contemporary skirting boards are sleek and simple in design, with clean lines and minimalistic features. They provide a neat and understated look, making them ideal for modern homes with minimalist interiors. Contemporary skirting boards often come with a smooth finish, without any intricate details, and are usually painted in neutral colors to complement the room’s color palette.

On the other hand, classic skirting boards are more ornate and decorative in design, with intricate details that add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room. They are often used in traditional homes or those with vintage-style decor. Classic skirting boards can come in a wide range of designs, from elegant curves to floral motifs, and they are usually made of high-quality timber that is carefully crafted and finished to perfection.

When choosing a skirting board design, it’s essential to consider the overall style of your home and the room’s decor. The skirting board should complement the interior design, without looking out of place or overpowering the room’s other design elements. If you have a minimalist interior, a contemporary skirting board will fit perfectly, while a classic or traditional design will add charm and personality to a more traditional room.

Choosing and Installing Skirting Boards

Before choosing a skirting board, measure the length of the wall and select a size that fits the space. For instance, skirting boards from skirting world come in different sizes and designs. Therefore you may want to consider the height of the skirting board, as taller skirting boards can make a room feel more grand.

Installing skirting boards requires some basic DIY skills and tools. Before starting the installation process, ensure that you have all the necessary equipment to complete the job correctly.

  • You can use either a hand saw or a power saw, depending on your preference and experience.
  • A hammer and nails are needed to secure the skirting board in place; make sure to choose the right size of nails suitable for the thickness of the skirting board.
  • An adhesive helps to hold the skirting board firmly in place while the nails are being hammered in. There are different types of adhesive available, such as instant grab adhesive, which is quick-drying and perfect for DIY enthusiasts.

Taking the time to read the instructions before starting will save you time and effort in the long run.

Maintenance and Care

To keep skirting boards looking their best, clean them regularly with a soft cloth or brush. Avoid using harsh cleaning products or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the skirting board.

If your skirting board becomes chipped or damaged, use a wood filler or sealant to repair it. You can also sand down rough edges or repaint the skirting board if needed.


Skirting boards are a simple yet effective way to enhance the look of your home while protecting walls from damage. Choose a skirting board type, material, and design that complements your home’s interior, and install it correctly to achieve a professional finish. Regular maintenance and care will ensure your skirting boards stay looking their best for years to come.

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